Deploy a .NET Core API to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using Bitbucket Pipelines

  • Artifacts
  • Repository Variables
  • Elastic Beanstalk Pipe
  • IAM Role

Here is my bitbucket-pipelines.yml file:

# Pipelines to be updated later after it has been tested
# more code will follow
image: microsoft/dotnet:sdk

    - step:
        name: Restore packages
          - dotnetcore
          - dotnet restore

    - step:
        name: Build the project
          - dotnetcore
          - dotnet build ${PROJECT_NAME}

    - step:
        name: Run Unit Tests
        trigger: manual
          - dotnetcore
          - dotnet test ${PROJECT_UNITTESTS_NAME}
  • I’m automatically deploying the production environment as soon as a change is pushed to master
  • I’m adding a step to be able to manually trigger a deploy to staging when develop branch is updated. This is because develop gets frequent changes and i don’t want to run out of my build minutes (free plan has 50mins/month) by triggering a deploy every time.
  • For all other branches (feature/* etc.) i’m adding the ability to manually trigger a build and not deploy anything. This is because i’m not expecting to build feature branches much as they are usually tested locally
  • The variables are all defined under Settings > Repository variables

IAM Role

Create the following policy in IAM

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Create a user with Programmatic access and assign it the policy you just created (Attach existing policies directly)

Notes on Pipelines

You can run an after-script in your step based on BITBUCKET_EXIT_CODE (0 = success, 1 = failed)