Add CORS Header to an ASP.NET MVC project

Add the following to Web.config for the ASP.NET MVC app (inside the <configuration> block)

<!-- START: Add CORS header for WordPress site so we can dynamically fetch popular users there -->
        <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="" />
<!-- END: Add CORS header for WordPress site so we can dynamically fetch popular users there -->

Make sure a <configuration>, <system.webServer>, <httpProtocol>, or <customHeaders> block doesn’t exist already. Better to search for these first and then add the code accordingly.

Save the Web.config file and restart the site from IIS. You can now make a call from to using JavaScript fetch. For example:

let endpoint = ''

async function getPopularUsers(url) {
  const response = await fetch(url)
  return await response.json()

getPopularUsers(endpoint).then(data =>